Plugs & Tunnels

Plugs & Tunnels

Shop our range of plugs & tunnels for ears. Fill your holes with stylish plugs, tunnels and gauges.

Unique Plugs and Tunnels

Stretched ears are a popular body modification, with flesh plugs and tunnels becoming widely accepted to wear every day, including many places of work. There are plenty of ear plugs and tunnels to choose from, whether you’re looking for something small and discreet, or prefer to go for large and bold, you’ll find it here at!

Shop Plugs and Tunnels

Shop our entire range of plugs and tunnels – one of the widest and most creative ranges of custom plugs and tunnels in the world. Our range of ear gauges, plugs and tunnels cover all your ear stretching needs so you don’t have to worry about finding the right size or fit either! We sell both cheap plugs and tunnels as well as expensive ones. Our plugs and tunnels are the best online & better quality than those on Etsy or Amazon!

What's the difference between plugs and tunnels?

While the terms plugs and tunnels are often used interchangeably, people think they are one and the same thing. Yet, there’s a distinct difference in their appearance: Plugs are solid, while tunnels are hollow. Tunnels are plugs with holes in them.

When you wear tunnels, the hole of your stretched ear will be visible and held open in shape by the tunnel style you choose. Tunnels are most popular to show off your stretched ear lobes and in the meantime plugs are the fully solid option that fill the hole.

Most of the confusion stems from different ways plugs and tunnels can be decorated – fully see-through plugs, for example, are still plugs, while flesh tunnels with decorative plates inside the hole are still tunnels. Fundamentally, both are used in stretched ears, and if you have any questions about which is which, give us a shout!

What sizes plugs and tunnels do you stock?

We have all sizes of high quality gauges, plugs and tunnels in stock. Whether you’re just beginning or are firmly in your ear stretching journey, you’ll find a variety of cool tunnels and plugs in our shop!

Our plugs and tunnels are available in the following sizes:

14g, 12g, 10g, 8g, 6g, 4g, 2g, 1g, 0g, 00g, 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", 1" 28mm, 29mm, 30mm, 32mm, 34mm, 36mm, 38mm, 40mm, 42mm, 44mm, 46mm, 47mm, 48mm, 50mm, 1 inch, 10mm, 8mm, 12mm, 20mm

If you’re having trouble with determining the right fit, refer to our ear stretching size chart, where all sizes are listed in metric and imperial sizing.

What materials are your plugs and tunnels made from?

We create plugs and tunnels from a variety of materials. The most common and widely used materials we use are metals like titanium, gold, silver as well as silicone, acrylic, wood, and stone (which includes precious stones).  We even also offer organic plugs & tunnels!

We often combine different materials, so you’ll find wood and stone mixes, as well as metal and stone, with one being the base, while the other is the decorative part.

Use our filters to find the right material and style for your stretched ears. 

Got a question about our plugs and tunnels?

Whether you would like to know more details about specific materials we use for our plugs and tunnels, or have suggestions on some designs you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Drop us a message and we’ll get back to you in a day or two!

What Are Plugs And Tunnels?

A plug (also known as an earplug or earspool) is a cylindrical piece of jewellery commonly worn by people with larger-gauge body piercings. In the modern western setting, they are also known as tunnels.

Do Ear Tunnels Close Up?

Almost any hole in the ear eventually doesn't close all the way. For people stretching with plugs and tunnels, ear holes are a permanent thing. They can be reduced in size, though, through proper care, and in cases where waiting does not do anything, you can opt for minor surgery.

Why Do People Put Plugs In Their Earlobes?

History shows us that ear stretching was used for beauty and identification purposes. Nowadays, it is done for aesthetic and beauty purposes too. In other places, the practice has been retained as a tradition and part of tribes.