00g Plugs, 00g Gauges and 00g Tunnels

00g Plugs, 00g Gauges and 00g Tunnels

00g Plugs in Wood, Stone, Silicone and More

Looking to size up to 00g plugs? Browse our huge selection of 00g plugs and 00g ear stretching equipment and tapers in our online store!

Ear stretching has become super popular in recent years, and nowadays you can’t turn around without seeing at least one person flashing 00g plugs! While many think that ear stretching is an irreversible process, this is actually untrue as long as you know how far you can go.

Plug sizes are measured in gauges and most people can easily stretch all the way to 00g size and still go back to unstretched ears! This makes 00g a popular size to aim for.

If you go over it, however, you should know that you might have crossed a “point of no return,” and your ears might be stretched permanently. All ears are different of course so there’s no guarantee which size will be the highest you can go!

If you are unsure whether or not this stretch is for you, you can also shop our collection of fake plugs and test out the look of 00g plugs without taking the step to size up.

If you’re interested in our collection of 00g plugs, read on for more...

00g plugs - Shop our collection of 00g plugs

We stock the widest range of 00g gauges in the world! Choose between 00g plugs, 00g tunnels or get to your dream size with our 00g ear stretching equipment!

Our 00g silicone tunnels are flying off the shelves right now, and are all 100% safe for use and come in a variety of styles to choose from. We guarantee you will easily find the right 00g tunnels and 00g earplugs in our shop.

What size are 00g plugs in mm and inches?

People who have just started discovering the world of ear stretching often assume that the gauge sizes 00g and 0g are the same thing, but that’s not true. 0g plugs are smaller, so before you can go for 00g plugs, you will have to wear these ones.

0g plugs have a diameter of:

  • 8.251 mm (usually rounded down to 8mm) or
  • 0.325 inches

00g plugs are larger in size, and actually come in TWO different sizes!

The smaller 00g plugs have a diameter of:

  • 9.266 mm (usually rounded up to 9mm) or
  • 0.365 inches

The larger 00g plugs which are the most universally popular have a diameter of:

  • 9.525 mm (rounded up to 10mm) or
  • 0.375 inches

It is important to make the purchase that is right for you, which is why we offer both 00g plugs and 0g plugs sizes. If you’re looking to shop our collection of 0g plugs, click here!

What materials, shapes, and colors do 00g plugs come in?

You can get our 00g plugs in all shapes, colors, and materials you can imagine! Teardrop plugs, spiral tapers, and dangle plugs are some of our more popular shapes, while gold, natural wood, and precious stone such as labradorite, diamond, and opal are some of our best-selling color options.

Choose between 00g wood plugs and tunnels, 00g silicone tunnels, 00g stone plugs, and 00g glass plugs, among others.

Have a question?

Have a question we didn’t answer about our 00g plugs, tunnels & gauges? Contact us today and let us help you choose the right 00g plugs for your holes!

What is 00g size plugs in mm?

Size 00g is 10mm. We sell all major plug & gauges sizes including 00g (10mm).

What is 00g?

00g is the last gauge size before plugs / gauges are measured in mm or fractions of an inch. 

See here for a complete guide to ear gauge sizes

what size comes after 00g

00g - or "double zero gauge" is the last gauge size. The next size up is measured in mm or fractions of an inch. The next size would be 11mm / 7/16"

See here for a complete guide to ear gauge sizes

Does stretching from 0g to 00g hurt?

Stretching from 0g to 00g shouldn't hurt. If it does you should wait a couple of weeks and try stretching again with a taper. Stretching after a hot shower & using plenty of jojoba oil will help.

How long does it take to stretch to 00g?

This will all depend on how your body responds to stretching. You should wait a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks between stretching. So depending on how your body reacts it could take a year to stretch to 00g.